Mindmap Server

Mindmap Server

It consists of the following steps:

  1. MongoDB installation

  2. Parse Installation

  3. Create mindmaps, or Import mongodump



Install MongoDB ### Requirements :

* [Linux](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-on-linux/) Install mongodb from this URL. also click_here

* [OS X](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/)

* [Windows](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/)

Step-19. Node.js Installation here

IMP:- PLease follow this lick first click_here / click_here. If completed jump to Step 20.
  1. $ cd ~ ( changing the current working path to your sudo user's home directory )

  2. $ curl -sL http://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x -o nodesource_setup.sh ( NodeSource offers an Apt repository for Debian and Ubuntu Node.js packages. We'll use it to install Node.js )

  3. $ nano ./nodesource_setup.sh ( review the contents of this script by opening it with nano )

  4. $ sudo -E bash ./nodesource_setup.sh ( The -E option to sudo tells it to preserve the user's environment variables so that they can be accessed by the script )

  5. $ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs build-essential git ( We can use apt-get to install the nodejs package. We'll also install the build-essential metapackage, which provides a range of development tools that may be useful later, and the Git version control system for retrieving projects from GitHub )

  6. $ npm install -g npm@4.6.1

Step-20. Install Parse Server: Note:- Check parse is installed or not.

$ npm install -g parse-server

$ npm install -g mongodb-runner

$ mongodb-runner start

Step-21. Parse Dashboard: here

$npm install -g parse-dashboard

Step-22: install pm2 $ npm install pm2@latest -g

Create a config for parse dashboard to home Directory


{ "apps":[{

"appName":"Image Server",








Step-22. Now, you will have to configure the PM2(Process Manager). PM2 is a Production Runtime and Process Manager for Node.js applications with a built-in Load Balancer. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and facilitate common Devops tasks. here

You have to set a configuration of processes which you want to run through the pm. for that you have to define the file which extension is .json. Remind the name of the file because you have to start the pm2 through this file

$ nano FILENAME.json



"name":"Intelehealth Image Server",

"script":"/usr/bin/parse-server ",


args" :

" --appId app2

--masterKey IH_IMAGE

--serverURL 'http://[ip address goes here]:1337/parse'

--databaseURI 'mongodb://localhost:27017/intelehealth_images' ",



"name":"Intelehealth Dashboard",

"script":"/usr/bin/parse-dashboard ",



" --config PARSE_DASHBOARD_CONFIG.json --allowInsecureHTTP"



Final Steps:

Make sure that PARSE_DASHBOARD_CONFIG.json is in the cwd (current working directory) & Run the parse server and dashboard.

$ pm2 start FILENAME.json

$ pm2 status This help to show the status of all the processes which are running on pm2.