Mindmap Setup


  1. Node.js - Click to download

  2. MySQL - Click to download

  3. Any Code Editor.


Steps to run on the local system

A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development environment running.

Step 1. Clone Mindmap repository



Step 2. Install all the dependencies.

npm install

Running this step will install all the required libraries and dependencies on your system.

Step 3. Restore the backup to MySQL database.

This will create mindmap schema.


Step 4. Adding necessary files to the code.

1. Create a file named license.json inside public/license/


2. Create a file named setting.json inside public/javascripts/mysql/

{ "host" : "localhost", "user" : ${database_username}, "password" : ${database_password}, "database" : "mindmap_server" }


Step 5. Start the server

npm start

This will start the live server on your local machine.


Step 6. To run

Open this link on the browser and you are good to go!