Database & Data Sources used in Superset

Database & Data Sources used in Superset

To create slices (charts) and dashboards in Superset, we need to connect Superset to a database and configure a table in that database for analysis. We can then explore the data that we have exposed and add a visualization to a dashboard so that we get a feel for the end-to-end user experience.

Connecting to a new database

To get started with Apache Superset, you need to connect it to a database. Follow these steps:

  • Open Superset and navigate to the settings.

  • Click on Database Connections.

  • Choose a database to connect to; in this case, we are utilizing MySQL

  • To configure the database, enter following details:·

  • Connect to database by providing the necessary details such as host, port, database name, username, and password. 

  • Click the Connect button. Once Superset can successfully connect and authenticate, you should see the details in Databases like below: 

Configuring table for Analysis

  • Now once a database is configured, the next step is to explore the data

  • Go to the Data menu.

  • Choose the connected database and select a table for analysis.

  • You can also go to SQL lab and explore the data to understand its structure and content.

  • To add the table to Superset, we need to enter certain details as follows:

  • The target database from the Database drop-down menu

  • Enter the database schema

  • The name of the table

Creating the Datasets

  • If your dataset needs specific transformations or filters, you may choose to create a dataset within Superset.

  • In the Datasets menu, click on +Dataset.

  • Define the dataset by selecting the database, table, and applying any filters or transformations.


  • Another method involves clicking on "Create dataset from SQL query." This action redirects you to the SQL lab, where you can write, execute SQL queries and preview the results.


  • After obtaining the desired results from the query, you can save the dataset.



Here are the datasets commonly used in creating dashboards:


Patient Registration:

SELECT         p.patient_id,

                        p.date_created as PatientCreationDate,

                        case when pe.gender = 'M' then 'Male'

                                when pe.gender = 'F' then 'Female'

                                    else 'Others' end as Gender,



                        ls.name as state,

                        ld.name as district,

                        l.name as Village,

            date_format(from_days(datediff(curdate(),date(pe.birthdate))), '%y')+0 as Age,

                        case when date_format(from_days(datediff(curdate(),date(pe.birthdate))), '%y')+0 Between 10 and 19 then '10-19'

                                    when date_format(from_days(datediff(curdate(),date(pe.birthdate))), '%y')+0 between 20 and 39 then '20-39'

                                    else '40+'

                                    end as Age_group

from patient p

left join patient_identifier as pa On (pa.patient_id = p.patient_id and pa.voided = 0)

left join person as pe on (pe.person_id = p.patient_id and pe.voided = 0)

left join location l on  (l.location_id = pa.location_id)

left join (select            location_id,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_district,   


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_village,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_state

                                    from location_tag_map

                                    where location_tag_id in (5,7,8)

                                    group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

where p.voided=0


Teleconsultation dataset:

select v.visit_id as Visits,

v.date_created as visit_created,

date_format(v.date_created, "%Y") as Year,

v.date_started as VisitStartDate,

v.date_stopped as VisitEndDate,

v.date_created as VisitCreationDate,

p.patient_id as Patients,


(case when e.encounter_type=14 then e.encounter_datetime else null end) as visit_prescription_date,

(case when e.encounter_type=14 then 1 else 0 end) as visit_completed,

e.encounter_datetime as sign_submit_date,


ls.name as state,

ld.name as district,

l.name as Village

from visit v

left join patient p on (v.patient_id = p.patient_id and p.voided = 0)

left join patient_identifier pa on (p.patient_id = pa.patient_id and pa.voided = 0)

left join encounter e on (e.visit_id = v.visit_id and e.voided = 0 and e.encounter_type = 14)

left join location l on v.location_id = l.location_id

left join (select            location_id,


when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

end) as is_district,


when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

end) as is_village,


when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

end) as is_state

from location_tag_map

where location_tag_id in (5,6,7,8)

group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

where v.voided = 0


Visit Dataset:

select  v.visit_id as Visits,

v.date_created as visit_created,


date_format(from_days(datediff(curdate(),date(pe.birthdate))), '%y')+0 as Age,

case when date_format(from_days(datediff(curdate(),date(pe.birthdate))), '%y')+0 Between 10 and 19 then '10-19'

        when date_format(from_days(datediff(curdate(),date(pe.birthdate))), '%y')+0 between 20 and 39 then '20-39'

        else '40+' end as Age_group,

date_format(v.date_created, "%Y") as Year,

v.date_started as VisitStartDate,

v.date_stopped as VisitEndDate,

v.date_created as VisitCreationDate,


l.name as state,

ld.name as district,

l.name as Village

from visit v

left join person pe on (v.patient_id=pe.person_id and pe.voided=0)

left join patient_identifier as pa On (pa.patient_id = pe.person_id and pa.voided = 0)

left join location l on v.location_id = l.location_id

left join (select            location_id,


when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

end) as is_district,


when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

end) as is_village,


when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

end) as is_state

from location_tag_map

where location_tag_id in (5,6,8)

group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

where v.voided = 0


Health Worker Score card:

select t.visit_id,







            u.username as "Health Worker"

from   encounter e,

            users u,

                        (select v.visit_id,







                                                            l.name as Village,

                                                            ld.name as district,

                                                            ifnull(ls.name,ld.name) as state,

                                                            max(e.encounter_id) max_enc

                        from    visit v,

                                                encounter e,

                                                location l,

                visit_type vt,

                (select          location_id,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_district,   


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_village,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_state

                                                from location_tag_map

                                                where location_tag_id in (5,6,7,8)

                                                group by location_id) lm,

                                                location ld,

                                                location ls

                        where  v.voided = 0

                        and                  e.voided = 0

                        and                  e.visit_id = v.visit_id

                        and                  l.location_id = v.location_id

        and                      lm.location_id = l.location_id

                        and                  ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location)

                        and                  ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id)

                        group by v.visit_id,











                                    ) as t

where              t.max_enc = e.encounter_id

and                              e.voided = 0 

and                              u.user_id = t.creator


Doctor Score Card:


   select                                                                                                   v.visit_id as visits,

                                                                                         v.date_created as VisitCreationDate,

                                                                                                 v.date_stopped as VisitEndDate,

                                                                                                                         v.date_started as VisitStartDate,



                                                                                                              l.name as Village,

ld.name as district,

                                                                                                             ls.name as state,


                                                                            ifnull(u.username,"Admin") as Doctor,

        -- concat(pn.given_name," ",pn.family_name) as name,

        max(va.value_reference) as visit_refer,

        max(case when e.encounter_type = 14 then e.encounter_datetime else NULL end) as visit_complete_time,

        max(case when e.encounter_type = 14 then 1 else 0 end) as visit_completed,

        max(case when e.encounter_type = 9 then 1 else 0 end) as visit_cosulted,

        max(case when o.concept_id = 163219 then 1 else 0 end) as Diagnosis,

        max(case when o.concept_id = 163205 then 1 else 0 end) as Medical_advice,

        max(case when o.concept_id = 163206 then 1 else 0 end) as Medical_test,

        max(case when o.concept_id = 163345 then 1 else 0 end) as followup,

        max(case when o.concept_id = 163202 then 1 else 0 end) as Prescription

from visit v

left join location l on (l.location_id = v.location_id)

left join visit_attribute va on (va.visit_id = v.visit_id and va.voided = 0 and va.attribute_type_id = 8)

left join (select location_id,


                        when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

                        end) as is_district,   


                        when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

                        end) as is_village,


                       when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

                       end) as is_state

                       from location_tag_map

                       where location_tag_id in (5,6,7,8)

group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

left join encounter e on (e.visit_id = v.visit_id and e.voided = 0 )

left join encounter_provider ep on (ep.encounter_id = e.encounter_id and ep.voided = 0)

left join obs o on (o.encounter_id = e.encounter_id and o.voided = 0 and o.comments is null and o.creator = ep.creator and o.concept_id in (163219, 163202,163205,163206,163345))

left join users u on (u.user_id = ep.creator)

-- left join person_name pn on (pn.person_id = u.person_id and pn.voided = 0 and pn.preferred =1)

where v.voided = 0

and e.encounter_type in (9,14)

-- and v.visit_id in (13,14)

group by v.visit_id,






              l.name ,







Patient TAT:

SELECT         date_format(v.date_created, "%Y-%m") as MonYear,

                        ls.name as state,

                        ld.name as district,

                        l.name as Village,

                        v.date_created as VisitCreationDate,

                        last_day(v.date_created) as Last_Day,       

 v.date_started as visit_start_date,

                        v.date_stopped as visit_end_date,

                        p.patient_id as patients,

                        v.visit_id as visits,

                        p.date_created as patient_creation_date,

                        max(case when va.attribute_type_id = 5 then va.value_reference else null end) as visit_specialty

from visit v

left join patient p on (v.patient_id = p.patient_id and p.voided = 0)

left join visit_attribute va on (va.visit_id = v.visit_id and va.voided = 0 and va.attribute_type_id =5)

left join location l on v.location_id = l.location_id

left join (select location_id,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_district,   


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_village,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_state

                                    from location_tag_map

                                    where location_tag_id in (5,6,8)

                                    group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

and v.voided = 0

group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11



Doctor TAT:

SELECT v.visit_id,





               ls.name as state,

               ld.name as district,

               l.name as Village,


              e.creator ,

               concat('Dr.',' ',u.username) as Doctor

from visit v

left join encounter e on (v.visit_id = e.visit_id and e.voided = 0 )

left join users u on (u.user_id = e.creator)

left join location l on (v.location_id = l.location_id )

left join (select location_id,


when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

end) as is_district,   


when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

end) as is_village,


when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

end) as is_state

from location_tag_map

where location_tag_id in (5,6,7,8)

group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

where v.voided = 0

and e.encounter_type = 14



Patient Experience:

select   v.visit_id as Visit,

            v.date_created as VisitCreationDate,

            date_format(v.date_stopped, '%Y-%m') as MonYear,

            date_format(v.date_stopped, '%m') as Month,

            v.date_stopped as VisitEndDate,

            v.date_started as VisitStartDate,



           l.name as Village,

           ls.name as state,

           ld.name as district,



         case when o.value_text is Null then 'Unknown' else o.value_text end as value_text

from visit v

left join location l on (l.location_id = v.location_id)

left join (select location_id,


when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

end) as is_district,   


when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

end) as is_village,


when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

end) as is_state

from location_tag_map

where location_tag_id in (5,6,7,8)

group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

left join encounter e on (e.visit_id = v.visit_id and e.voided = 0 and encounter_type = 12 )

left join obs o on (o.encounter_id = e.encounter_id and o.voided = 0 and o.concept_id = 163343)

where v.voided = 0



Health Workers created vs Active:

select u.user_id,


          concat(pn.given_name," ",pn.family_name) as name,

          u.date_created as time_date,

          case when ur.role = 'Organizational: Doctor' then "Doctor"

            else "HW"

        end as role,

        "Creation" as process

From users u

inner join user_role ur on (ur.user_id = u.user_id and ur.role = "Organizational: Nurse")

left join person_name pn on (pn.person_id = u.person_id andpn.voided = 0 and pn.preferred = 0)

where retired = 0


select u.user_id,


        concat(pn.given_name," ",pn.family_name) as name,

v.date_started as time_date,

"HW active" as role,

        "HW active" as process

From visit v

inner join users u on (u.user_id = v.creator)

left join person_name pn on (pn.person_id = u.person_id and pn.voided = 0 and pn.preferred = 1)

where v.voided = 0


select null as user_id,

null as username,

        null as name,

        date_created as time_date,

        'Dummy' as role,

        'Creation' as process

From patient

Where voided = 0


Doctor Created vs Active:

select u.user_id,


        concat(pn.given_name," ",pn.family_name) as name,

        u.date_created as time_date,


when ur.role = 'Organizational: Doctor' then "Doctor"

            else "HW"

        end as role,

        "Creation" as process

From users u

inner join user_role ur on (ur.user_id = u.user_id and ur.role = "Organizational: Doctor")

left join person_name pn on (pn.person_id = u.person_id and pn.voided = 0 and pn.preferred = 0)

where retired = 0


select u.user_id,


        concat(pn.given_name," ",pn.family_name) as name,

v.encounter_datetime as time_date,

"Doctor" as role,

        "Doctor active" as process

From encounter v

inner join users u on (u.user_id = v.creator)

left join person_name pn on (pn.person_id = u.person_id and pn.voided = 0 and pn.preferred = 1)

where v.voided = 0

and     v.encounter_type = 14


select null as user_id,

null as username,

        null as name,

        date_created as time_date,

        'Dummy' as role,

        'Creation' as process

From patient

Where voided = 0


Diagnosis Dataset:

select   v.visit_id as Visits,

            v.date_created as VisitCreationDate,

            date_format(v.date_stopped, '%Y-%m') as MonYear,

            date_format(v.date_stopped, '%m') as Month,

            v.date_stopped as VisitEndDate,

             v.date_started as VisitStartDate,



             ls.name as state,

            ld.name as district,

             l.name as Village,





from    visit v

join encounter e on (e.visit_id = v.visit_id and e.voided = 0 and e.encounter_type in (1,9,12,14))

join obs o on (o.encounter_id = e.encounter_id and o.voided = 0 and o.concept_id =163219)

left join location l on v.location_id = l.location_id

left join (select            location_id,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 5 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_district,   


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 7 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_village,


                                                                        when location_tag_id = 8 then 1 else 0

                                                            end) as is_state

                                    from location_tag_map

                                    where location_tag_id in (5,6,8)

                                    group by location_id) lm on ( lm.location_id = l.location_id )

left join location ld on (ld.location_id = if(lm.is_district = 1,l.location_id,l.parent_location))

left join location ls on (ls.location_id = ifnull(ld.parent_location,ld.location_id))

where v.voided = 0

Creating the Charts/Visualization

In Apache Superset, there are several methods available for creating charts.

  • Head to the Charts menu in Superset.

  • Choose the dataset or table you want to visualize.

  • Select the appropriate chart type (bar chart, line chart, etc.).



·       Define metrics and dimensions for the visualization.

o   Metrics: It defines the numerical measures, such as sales or revenue, plotted on the chart.

o   Dimensions: It categorizes data, like time or location, providing context and grouping for analysis.

o   Filters: It refines chart data by allowing the selection of specific criteria, focusing on relevant subsets.

o   Breakdown: It adds additional layers of analysis by splitting metrics based on a chosen dimension.

o   Sort By: It organizes data presentation by arranging either metrics or dimensions in ascending or descending order.




·       Customize the chart settings as needed.




·       Another method for creating a chart is available after running an SQL query in the SQL lab. There, you will find an option to generate a chart specifically for the queried data.




·       While working with charts in Apache Superset, you have access to a range of functions and settings that enable customization and enhancement of visualizations. Here is an overview of some common functions within the chart settings:

o   Title: A descriptive title that summarizes the main purpose or message of the chart.

o   Legend: A key that explains the colors or symbols used in the chart and associates them with different data series or categories.

o   Axes: The X-axis and Y-axis represent the horizontal and vertical scales, respectively. They provide the framework for plotting data points.

o   Data Series: The actual plotted data points that visually represent the information being conveyed. Different types of charts may have one or more data series.

o   Labels: Labels on the axes and data points provide context and help users understand the values or categories represented.

o   Gridlines: Horizontal and vertical lines on the chart background assist in reading values and understanding the scale.

o   Markers/Points: Specific symbols or points on the chart that represent individual data points, especially in scatter plots or line charts.

o   Tooltip: An interactive feature that displays additional information when the user hovers over or clicks on a data point. It often shows exact values or details.

o   Annotations: Additional text or shapes added to the chart to provide context or highlight specific points of interest.

o   Data Labels: Numeric values displayed directly on or near the data points, making it easy to read the exact values.

o   Background: The overall visual background of the chart, which may include colors or shading to enhance readability.

o   Axis Titles: Descriptive labels for the X-axis and Y-axis, indicating what each axis represents.

o   Color Scheme: The chosen colors for data series or categories, which can affect the visual impact and interpretation of the chart.

o   Axis Scales: The measurement units and intervals on the axes, determining the scale and granularity of the chart.

o   Baseline: A reference line indicating a specific point on the chart, often used for comparison or analysis.


·       Within the charts section of Apache Superset, advanced analytics features include rolling window/rolling functions, enabling enhanced data exploration through functions like mean, sum, standard deviation, and cumulative sum.




These components collectively contribute to the overall visual representation of data in a chart, aiding in conveying insights effectively. The specific components may vary depending on the type of chart and the charting tool being used.


Adding Visualizations to a Dashboard:

Compile the individual visualizations into a well-organized dashboard, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience from data exploration to presentation.


  1. Create a New Dashboard: If you don't have an existing dashboard, create a new one. Look for a "+dashboard" button or an option to "Create New Dashboard" directly within the dashboard interface.




  1. Add Layout Elements: Look for options to add layout elements such as rows, columns, headers, text boxes, dividers, and tabs directly within the dashboard.

o   Rows and Columns: Adjust the layout by adding rows and columns to organize visualizations and other elements.

o   Headers: Include headers to provide context or titles for specific sections of the dashboard.

o   Text Boxes: Add text boxes to insert explanatory notes or additional information.

o   Dividers: Use dividers to visually separate different sections of the dashboard.

o   Tabs: Create tabs to organize content and allow users to switch between different views or sets of visualizations.




  1. Add Charts/Visualizations:


o   Choose a Visualization: Select the chart or visualization you want to add to the dashboard. This could be a chart you've previously created in the charting or SQL lab section.




o   Open the Visualization: Once you've selected a visualization, open it to view the details and customize settings if needed.

o   Arrange Visualizations: Arrange the added visualizations within the dashboard. Most tools allow you to drag and drop visualizations to different positions. Decide on the position of the visualization within the dashboard layout.

o   Configure Size and Appearance: Adjust the size and appearance settings of the visualization to fit the dashboard layout and design preferences.

o   Customize Dashboard Layout: Adjust the overall layout of the dashboard, including grid arrangements, sizing, and spacing.

o   Save the Dashboard: Save your dashboard to retain the arrangement and configurations.




  1. Add Filters to the Dashboard

o   Access Filters: Within the dashboard editing interface, look for an option to add filters. This is often in the form of a "Filter" or "Add Filter" button.




o   Define Filter Criteria: Choose the dimension or metric you want to filter by. Define the criteria for the filter, such as specific values or ranges.




o   Apply the Filter to Visualizations: After defining the filter, associate it with the relevant visualizations. You may need to specify which visualizations should be affected by the filter.




o   Customize Filter Type: Depending on the type of filter (e.g., dropdown, date range), customize its appearance and behavior. Some filters may allow users to select multiple values or apply date range restrictions.

o   Note: While adding a filter to the dashboard, ensure that the corresponding column is present in the dataset. Filters are applied based on specific dataset columns; therefore, having the relevant column in the dataset is essential for the filter to function effectively in conjunction with the charts and visualizations.

o   In the following snippet, we've implemented filters for 'Time' and 'Village.' To ensure the proper functioning of these filters, it is essential to have Time and Village columns in our dataset.




o   Save the Dashboard: Save your changes to the dashboard to preserve the added filters.

List Users:

·       Open Settings and Navigate to Security

·       Within the Security settings, find and click on the "List Users" option




·       On the "List Users" page, view and manage user details. Fill in any necessary information related to user accounts, roles, and permissions. Ensure that the "is active" status is appropriately marked for users in the list.




·       This process allows administrators to easily access and manage user accounts in Apache Superset.

List Roles:

·       Open Settings and Navigate to Security

·       Within the Security settings, find and click on the "List Roles" option




·       Below are the default List of Roles in Apache Superset.





Admin: Admins have full access to all functionalities within Superset. They can manage users, roles, databases, and all aspects of the application.


Public: This role represents public access. Users with the public role typically have limited access to view and explore data without the ability to modify or create new content.


Alpha: This role typically represents users who are early adopters or testers. They may have access to features that are in the alpha stage of development.


Gamma: Similar to the Alpha role, Gamma users may have access to features in the gamma stage of development, indicating features that are more stable than alpha but still in testing.


Granter: Granters have the ability to grant access to specific datasets or dashboards to other users. They play a role in managing access permissions.


SQL Lab: Users with this role have access to the SQL Lab functionality, allowing them to write and execute SQL queries.


·       It's important to note that the specific roles and their permissions can be customized based on the Superset instance's configuration and the organization's requirements.

o   As per our preferences, we've established two specific roles: "Reset Password" to manage password resets, and "read_role" granting users read access to all datasets incorporated into dashboards, ensuring comprehensive access for data exploration.




·       As per the user's request, we are tasked with creating roles to restrict user access to menus on the dashboard level chart. Below are the selected permissions aimed at achieving this requirement:















·       In accordance with our standard practice, users are typically assigned three roles: "Reset Password" ,"Read_role" with read access to all dashboard datasets, and "Gamma."



List of Charts:



Chart Name

Visulaization type

Dataset Used





Number Format

X label

Y axis label

 Chart Options

Rolling Function


Total patients registered

Big Number

Patient Dataset





Original value






Patient registration trend

Line Chart

Patient Dataset






Registration Date

Number of Patients registered




Total patients registered age-wise

Bar Chart

Patient Dataset






Age Group

Number of Patients

Bar value, stacked bars



Total Consultations Scheduled

Big number

Teleconsultation Dataset





Original value






Total Consultations Completed

Big number

Teleconsultation Dataset





Original value






Request Completion Ratio

Bar chart with trend line (Mixed Time seried

Teleconsultation Dataset






Months of the Year

Number of Teleconsultations




Total Visits-Geographies


Teleconsultation Dataset


State, District, Village









Total Visits

Bar Chart

Visit Dataset






Age Group

Number of Visits




Health workers score card


Health workers score card

Health Worker

1.Teleconsultation Started
2.Teleconsultation Completed
3.Routine care visists completed
4.Urgent care/Referral advised









Doctors score card


Doctors score card


  1. Doctor visit consulted

  2. Diagnosis provided

  3. Prescription provided

  4. Medical advice given

  5. Medical test advised

  6. Follow-up visit scheduled

  7. Visit completed









Patient TAT

Line Chart

Patient TAT

Patient consulted(Visits)


VisitEndDate is not null








Doctor TAT

Line Chart

Doctor TAT








Rich tooltip



Average Patient Experience

Line Chart

Patient Experience







Average Satisfaction Score

Rich tooltip, show values



Average Doctor Response Time

Line Chart

Doctor TAT

TAT (Formula)










Hour Wise Distribution

Bar Chart

Visit Dataset






Hour of the day

Number of Visits

Rich tooltip, Bar values, sort bars



Health workers created versus active

Bar Chart

Health workers created versus active



For HW_created -process=creation
For HW_active-process=HW_active





show values, Marker



Doctors created versus active

Bar Chart

Doctors created vs active



For Doctor_created- Process=Creation
For Active Doctor process IN ('Doctor Active')





show values, Marker



Diagnosis by Doctors

Bar Chart

Diagnosis by Doctors







Number of Teleconsultations