Installation and Initial Set-up for production instances
To start off, all the modules need to be hosted on a cloud linux server like AWS or Digital Ocean or any other platform as the implementer may deem fit. An instance needs to be set-up, based on the required configurations. Post that, all the relevant modules (Java, Tomcat, Mysql, OpenMRS, Sync Module, Web App) required for the platform are installed onto the server.
The instructions for the above steps can be accessed from the links below.
Platform set-up on Linux Server
The platform will then need to be configured for the specific contextualized implementation. This can be done by updating the user privileges, DB schema by updating dump files, making necessary changes in mindmaps and patient registration screen in Android before usage. The installation for all of these should first be done on a demo server, and ensure that all the functionalities are working based on the test metrics, before deploying it on the production server.