Server Back-ups
Server Back-ups
Backing up of data is essential on a weekly basis by the Implementation Engineer to ensure there is no data loss, and for protection against untoward security breaches, or if the server stops functioning. In that case, backups provide a convenient solution to minimize data loss, where a new instance can be created and the data can be restored back to that server.
We follow the particular naming convention such as:
Mysql: date_typeofdb_backup.sql
Mongodb: intelehealth_images_date
The following steps are followed to ensure backups are taken.
Create a folder inside the server.
$ mkdir <filename>
2. Navigate to the folder
$ cd /<filename>
3. Create backups using the following command
$ cd /mysqldump
$ mysqldump -u root -p openmrs > 20190516_openmrs_db_backup.sql
$ cd /mongodump
$ mongodump --db intelehealth_images --out intelehealth_images_2019051
4. Store the data locally onto a cloud or to your own desktop periodically.