Server Maintenance

Server Maintenance

Server maintenance is essential to ensure backups of the data are taken regularly and also, ensure that all the systems within the platform are running fine and upto date. This also ensures in case, any untoward incident happens, necessary precautions can be taken at the earliest possible time to restore the data on the server. This is ideally done on a weekly basis by the Implementation Engineer.


IP Links:

VSO Server:

AFI Server:

Demo server:


1. Take back-ups of mongoDB and MySQL :

Login to Root user using sudo command. Navigate to the directory.

$ cd /sqldump $ mysqldump -u root -p openmrs > 20190516_openmrs_db_backup.sql $ cd /mongodump $ mongodump --db intelehealth_images --out intelehealth_images_20190516


2. Shutdown the server:

$ sudo shutdown -r now



3. Check for status of each of the services:

$ service mysql status $ service mongod/mongodb status $ service tomcat7 status


4. Start the services if any of them have been stopped:



5. Turn on parse dashboard and parse server using pm2 [if applicable]

pm2 start parse-config.json [VSO]

pm2 start pm.json [AFI]


6. In case the server is down, check the AWS/ DO console to check for the status. By selecting the particular instance, you can stop and start the server from the console as well.