Mind Maps Configuration:

Mind Maps Configuration:

-What are mind maps:

Mind maps are basically protocols written in a json format file. It consist of a set of various values for medical examination of a patient. This mind map values are represented as a tree structure where the various set of medical examination question has a parent-child relation with each other.


-Why are mind maps needed:

The patients that visit the health workers are suffering from various symptoms of health diseases. It is difficult for the health workers to identify the health issues through which the patients are suffering from. In order to provide ease as well as efficiency of identifying the health issues for the health workers, mind maps were being introduced.


-How can mind maps be configured:

The configuration of mindmaps can be done based on the steps defined in the HX guide section. It can be accessed from the link here.


  • Demo mind maps vs Download mind maps:

  1. Demo mind maps are the predefined protocols added into the android code directory.

  2. Download mind maps are those mind maps available on the mind maps server which is different for different deployment locations.

  3. Demo mind maps are basically used by developer and team members for coding and testing purpose.

  4. Download mind maps consists of a large number of location specific mind maps.


-Where to store the mind maps:

-Demo mind maps:

There are two sets of demo mind maps predefined, already installed and stored in the android app file.

They are-

a. History taking and Examination Protocols

b. Chief Complaint Protocols


  • Storage Path:

  1. History taking and Examination Protocols: Add the History taking and Examination Protocols under the assets folder.




2. Chief Complaint Protocols: Add the Chief Complaint Protocols under C:\Intelehealth_clone\Android-Mobile-Client\app\src\main\assets\engines folder i.e. under the engines folder.




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