Diagnostic ability

Diagnostic ability

Before starting their medical careers, the doctors in their Hippocratic oath clearly promise to ‘Primum Non Cere’ which means ‘firstly do no harm’ to the patient. Thus doctors are usually very careful, meticulous, transparent and use the best judgment in making decisions regarding clinical case evaluation. Diagnosis or Clinical decision making is the process by which the doctor evaluates the case report and gives his learned and/or expert opinion on how the case can be managed. Ayu supplements this clinical skill and acumen of the doctors by providing an evidence-based methodology to improve clinical outcomes and patient safety and standardize the quality of care.

Also, the strength of the advice given by the doctor will depend on the way in which the information is gathered, assembled and (in the case of telemedicine) presented to the doctor. When the information is collected by the health worker, it is collected as a huge bundle of significant and not-so-significant, both, positive and negative history. The role of Ayu here is to present this information to a remote doctor, in a concise and logical fashion that prominently features all of the data that is relevant to the patient’s case for a clinical decision making support.


During any clinical case management and evaluation, clinical decision making support comprises of 3 major components which allow clinicians to form a diagnostic and therapeutic formula to optimizes clinical outcomes. These are:

  • Clinical expertise- the clinician’s experience, knowledge, and clinical skills.

  • Best Evidence- the best current evidence available mainly derived from patient-centered research

  • Values - a patient’s preferences, concerns, expectations and environment that the patient brings to the clinical decision-making process.


PIC: The remote doctor goes through the Case sent by the CHW.

PIC: The doctor has all the information about the patient’s case including present and past complaints. If the doctor finds any deficiency in the case taking, he has the option to call the patient to supplement his findings.


PIC: Here the doctor calls the patient and build up a rapport and his case and speaks to the patient about his management plan and/or referrals.